Wow! what an intense movie. I felt every moment of it. To convey emotion like that through the artwork and music is plain artistic genius. And the animation is fluid & perfect. definitely the best i've seen in a very long time
Wow! what an intense movie. I felt every moment of it. To convey emotion like that through the artwork and music is plain artistic genius. And the animation is fluid & perfect. definitely the best i've seen in a very long time
this was a powerful movie, and i just have to compliment it. I'm a huge fan of traditional animation and i loved how you rendered this.
keep up the excellent work.
epileptic warning
fuck...i think this movie just gave me a seizure
If you didn't play DDR, that wouldn't have happened!
nice one
beautiful work. i enjoyd it. can't wait to see the final version
Damn funny stuff.
nice work
Fanks :-) wanna be on Spider's talk show? Didnt think so :-(
Ha ha
that was hilarious!
i think my head jsut exploded.
great stuff
that was great. complete, non-linear insanity that reminded me of what made the Young Ones and Monty Python so good.
different then the usual NG fare. Interesting concept. and i like the 'draw-in' style
sloppy, neurotic, and immature: the story of my life
Noo Yawk
Joined on 4/15/03